SG Songbook Vol. 2 2000-2003



Sam Glaser Songbook Volume 2 highlights the complete selections of the groundbreaking CDs The Bridge and Presence. The Bridge is a jubilant collection of fifteen Glaser songs celebrating the unifying themes that bind the Jewish people. Sponsored by Israel’s Common Denominator organization, the Bridge features Sam and his nine piece band and continues to set the standard in production values and creative vision. Presence marks Sam Glaser’s eighth Jewish album and his most sophisticated and spiritual to date. This collection is inspired by the Jewish month of Tishrei, an introspective and ecstatic period that includes the High Holidays, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Using Hebrew lyrics from liturgy and Psalms interwoven with Sam’s English interpretations, Presence focuses on the everyday opportunities for a enhancing one’s relationship with the Creator. Professionally rendered charts for guitar, bass, vocal, pop piano.

1. In Israel
2. Hashem Hoshia
3. Al Shlosha D’varim
4. Od Yishama
5. Baruch Hamakom
6. Adon Olam
7. Im Eyn Ani Li
8. Mikolot
9. Ki Heym Chayeynu
10. Eyes Are Open
11. Love to Understand
12. Kad’sheynu
13. Halelu
14. Hiney Ma Tov
15. Raindance

1. Ma Ashiv
2. Achat Shoalti
3. Tree of Life
4. Sos Tasis
5. Sheyibaneh Beit Hamikdash
6. Boi V’shalom
7. Haveyn Yakir Li
8. Shehechiyanu
9. Presence
10. Take Me As I Am
11. Shine a New Light
12. Havdalah
13. Believe in Me
14. Al Keyn
15. Av Harachamim

Pages: 102