Los Angeles Womens Choir – Beyond Pearls


Beyond Pearls is a collection of uplifting contemporary Jewish music performed by LA’s top Jewish women’s vocal group, the Los Angeles Womens Choir. Led by Sam Glaser, the LAWC is a weekly musical workshop for singers ages 10-70 to learn vocal, music theory, choral and performance skills. This CD includes songs by Sam Glaser, Matisyahu, Stephen Schwartz, Stacy Beyer and William Sharlin and features guest stars Barb Heller and Judy Winegard.  The release of this professionally produced CD is the culmination of a dream; a testimony to countless hours of hard work and dedication. Introducing the Los Angeles Womens Choir!

  1. When You Believe
  2. B’chol Nafshi
  3. One Day
  4. Erev Shel Shoshanim, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
  5. Uv’ney Yerushalayim
  6. Keeping the Faith
  7. Shabbas
  8. Al Shlosha D’varim
  9. Oseh Shalom
  10. One Big Happy Family
  11. Ani Ma’amin
  12. Shalom Aleychem
  13. Hodu Lakel
  14. Tree of Life

Total running time: 55 Min.
