The Promise


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Sam Glaser’s The Promise is an inspired, all new musical celebration of the gift of the Land of Israel. It explores the love affair with the Promised Land through the biblical period, two millennia of exile and the past sixty miraculous years of aliyah (return.) Two years in the making, The Promise represents the apex of Sam’s songwriting and production talents and features his top-notch band of LA-based musicians, gifted guest vocalists and a children’s choir.

  1. Inside of Yerushalayim
  2. Eicha
  3. The Promise
  4. Mezuza
  5. Dancing in Jerusalem
  6. Im Eshkacheich
  7. Horeyni
  8. Ahava Raba
  9. A Million Butterflies
  10. Simple Song for Israel
  11. Hashiveynu
  12. To Jerusalem
  13. Hatikva

Total running time: 55 minutes.
